Symposium on Northwest American Indigenous Languages

July 12 - 13, 2025 |  Eugene, OR

Keynote Speaker : 

Scott DeLancey

Scott DeLancey is a Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the University of Oregon. Scott has dedicated his life to language documentation, description, and revitalization. Scott helped found the Northwest Indian Language Institute. His research in the Pacific Northwest has been focused on Klamath, the prevalence of bipartite verb stems within the area, and mirativity. In addition to his own research, Scott has advised many notable figures in language work for the Northwest, including Janne Underriner (former NILI director & researcher on Klamath), Timothy Thornes (Northern Paiute), Joana Jansen (Ichishkíin), and Virginia Beavert (Ichishkíin)

Would you like to present at SNAIL? 

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Shown Above: Allogona townsendiana (Oregon Forestsnail), Photo by Rich Leighton